Category Archives: Chinese Food

Song Fa Bak Kut Teh


Untuk keturunan Chinese, makanan Bak Kut The sudah pasti dikenal banget. Potongan ribs babi yang empuk disajikan dalam kuah bening hangat dengan rasa merica tipis sangat cocok disantap saat cuaca dingin.

Bagi para foodie yang suka keluyuran di Singapore, nama Song Fa sudah tidak asing lagi. Resto ini sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1969. Nama pendirinya Mr. Yeo Eng Song. Pertama kali buka di Victoria Street-Singapore. Selain Bak Kut The, resto ini juga menyajikan beberapa hidangan lain. Sekarang ini bisnis resto ini diwariskan ke anaknya Mr. Yeo Hart Pong.

Kunci suksesnya adalah tidak melewatkan detail sekecil apapun dalam mengolah menu andalannya. Bahan berkualitas tinggi juga digunakan dalam membuat semangkuk Bak Kut Teh yang fenomenal ini. Intinya quality control!

Begitu Song Fa buka cabang di Jakarta, berduyun-duyunlah orang datang untuk mengobati rasa kangen mereka, termasuk saya. Antrean sekitar 30 menit tidak membuat para customer enggan menunggu. Well, hopefully worth it ya….Saya datang padahal bukan pas jam makan loh, tapi tetap saja rameeee yaaa kayak tanjidor!

song fa1

song fa2

Finally, kesampean juga nama saya dipanggil. Langsung aja saya order menu andalan mereka Pork Ribs Soup Large (IDR88k). Sekitar 4-5 potong ribs babi datang dengan kuah bening dilengkapi dengan potongan siung bawang putih. Rasa kaldunya berasa banget, gurih serta ada sekilas rasa tipis dari merica. Daging ribsnya sendiri empuk banget. So delicious!

pork ribs song fa

Untuk side dish-nya saya order Pig’s Soup (IDR85k). Untuk varian ini bisa pilih 3 macam jeroan. Kali ini saya pilih kidney, liver & stomach. Haha….untuk beberapa orang hal ini mungkin menjijikkan ya, tapi buat saya sih nikmat! Kalau mau dimix dengan pork ribsnya juga bisa sih. Harga untuk mix dengan 1 jenis jeroan IDR88k, kalau mau 2 jenis jeroan IDR98. Untuk per porsi jeroan juga bisa, harga variatif dari IDR40k s/d 72k. Yang anti daging babi juga bisa pesan Fish Soup (IDR60k s/d 78k). Untuk jeroannya sih lumayan empuk juga. Paling suka sama stomach-nya :p

pig soup mix song fa

Trus saya juga cobain Braised Pig’s Intestine (IDR30k s/d 45k). Kalau yang ini disajikan dengan kecap manis plus ramuan special herbs. Ususnya empuk, tapi isiannya agak berasa pahit. Jadi berasa gak mual sih, secara lemak gitu loh. pig's intestines song fa

Mereka juga sediakan varian lain juga seperti Braised Pig’s Trotter (IDR 68k s/d IDR88k) dan Braised Chicken Feet with Beancurd Skin (IDR30k s/d 45k).

Untuk menu sayur saya order Kailan Medium (IDR48k). Jenis sayur lain ada Salted Vegetables, Groundnuts, Cai Xin, Xiao Bai Cai, harga sekitar 10k s/d 68k. Untuk side dish ada Dough Fritters, Mee Sua, Nasi Putih & La Mian, harga dari IDR6k s/d 18k.

Kailan song fa

Saran saya kalau mau datang ke tempat ini mending pas hari biasa aja jangan weekend dan datanglah di luar jam makan. By the way, worth it kok ngantri rada lama demi semangkuk Bak Kut Teh mereka.


Ozone Centre L01-5 & L01-5A

Pantai Indah Kapuk Utara 3

Jakaarta 14660





Bihun Bebek A Eng


Kalau kita ditanya tentang lokasi bakmie ayam/babi yang enak, pasti deh langsung nyerocos sederet rekomendasi dari otak kita. Tapi kalau ditanya lokasi bihun bebek yang enak……nah….pasti sebagian besar dari kita akan mengernyitkan dahi lalu diakhiri dengan gelengan kepala dan jawaban “gak tau tuh” atau “belom pernah makan” atau “pernah denger sih teman makan itu, tapi gak tau tempatnya”, etc. Bener gak?

Emang kalau disuruh pilih antara bakmie atau bihun, saya pasti pilih mie. Lebih suka tekstur mie dibanding bihun. Tapi kalau digoreng, bihun itu rasanya endess juga kok, gak kalah sama mie. Lidah Asia sih sebenernya gak asing lagi dengan yang namanya bihun. Salah satu jenis mie yang terbuat dari beras ini lumayan popular, bisa digoreng, dikasih kuah atau disiram. Bihun Bebek ini merupakan hidangan khas Medan.

Tempatnya kecil, paling hanya bisa menampung 15-20 orang saja (cabang PIK). Selain bihun disini juga menyediakan bakmie. Tapi lucu dong ya masa jagoannya bihun trus kita pesannya mie? Untuk porsinya ada ukuran Reguler (IDR 35k) dan ukuran Large (IDR 60k). Satu mangkuk bihun rebus dengan topping irisan bebek rebus, plus lembaran daun selada dan taburan bawang putih cincang & daun ketumbar. Daging bebeknya empuk banget dan toppingnya banyak (apalagi yang porsi Large, bener-bener puas!). Kuahnya juga gurih, berasa banget kaldunya. Over all endeessssss!

bihun bebek a eng

Untuk side dishnya saya pilih Mix Lidah & Perut Babi (IDR 30k). Tekstur lidahnya empuk, ada sekitar 10 potong. Perut babinya juga enak, empuk. Yummy, pas banget dipadukan dengan aroma bawang putih yang kental.

lidah & perut babi a eng

Jl. Muara Karang Raya Blok A7 Utara No.181

Jakarta Utara

Ph: 021-6697670


Ruko Crown Golf Blok A No. 36

Pantai Indah Kapuk

Jakarta Utara

Ph: 021-36765877



Tjap Toean


Sore ini perut sudah lumayan kenyang sih, tapi masih muat kayaknya kalau makan seporsi lagi. Jadilah saya iseng keliling-keliling di lantai bawah mall ini di supermarket Foodhall. Di Foodhall laper mata ngeliat jajanan kue basah di Toko Kue Lily. Jadilah saya beli 2 box sekalian buat oleh-oleh untuk orang rumah.

Setelah itu mata langsung jelalatan lihat beberapa restaurant yang nangkring manis di dalam area Foodhall. Then, saya tertarik lihat restaurant ini. Unik banget designnya, ala pecinan kuno gitu. Nama restaurantnya juga sengaja masih menggunakan ejaan lama bahasa Indonesia.

tjap toean

Dilengkapi dengan meja kayu yang vintage plus kursi dengan rangka besi, pas sudah berasa banget ada di rumah pecinan. Trus ada hiasan kumpulan sangkar burung yang digantung di langit-langit dan deretan kursi balok panjang. Aroma Cina kuno kental sekali di tempat ini.

tjap toean2

Sebenarnya pengen cobain menu andalan di sini, yaitu Nasi Babah. Tapi apa daya, lihat fotonya aja sudah berasa begah. Jadilah saya pesan Bee Hoon Goreng (Rp.36.000,-). Standard banget ya orderan saya, hehe….Begitu sampai pesanan saya, tercium bau wangi yang menggugah selera. Ternyata enak banget bo’! Rasanya gurih banget dan nonjok di lidah. Saya paling suka masakan dengan rasa bumbu yang kuat. Very recommended!

hot tea

bee hoon goreng

Karena masih pengen ngemil saya order Swie Kiau Goreng (Rp.26.500,-). Isinya per porsi 3 potong. Rasa udang mendominasi. Lumayanlah, tapi ya masih kalah kalau dibanding dengan restaurant Chinese lain seperti May Star atau Crystal Jade.

swie kiau

Pas giliran bayar lucu nih….di tiap meja disediakan klakson sepeda kuno yang bunyinya ‘tetot tetot’ itu untuk panggil waitressnya,haha….


Kembalian saya juga dimasukkan ke dalam dompet cina ala encim-encim. Cute juga.

dompet encim

Untuk sekedar ngopi ringan ala kopitiam, bolehlah tempat ini jadi alternatif. Selamat mencoba!



Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28-30

Jakarta Pusat

Phone: 021-3107725


FX Lifestyle X’nter, 1st Floor #04

Jl. Jend. Sudirman

Pintu 1 Senayan


CITIWALK Sudirman, 1st Floor

Jl. K.H. Mansyur 121

Jakarta Pusat


Madam Kwok


Kota Kasablanka is quite new mall at South Jakarta. Many dine in places there that I haven’t try before. Well, after two times getting around the Food Society area and being confused, finally I decided to try Madam Kwok.

Madam Kwok is an antique Chinese homey design restaurant that served Cina Peranakan dishes. It’s occupied for about 60 persons. It’s very nice place. The couch is so comfy and made me sitting for a long time.

Madam Kwok1

Madam Kwok2

For appetizer, I order Sagigit Tiga Rasa. Price 36 K. It’s chicken, prawn and water chestnut chopped and mixed with five Chinese spices, rolled with bean curd skin and fried. It served with chili sauce. It’s taste very scrumptious, suitable with their sour Thai sauce.

Sagigit Tiga Rasa

The waitress suggested me to try Buntut Masak Asam. Price 67 K. It’s oxtail soup cooked with kind of herbs and spices. The sour taste is stronger came from starfruit. I don’t think this is the best version of Sour Soup. I can only taste the sourness. It’s lack of broth. And I’ve found one part of oxtail is hard to chew. I think they set the price too high for this dish.

Buntut Masak Asam

I also order Ayam Saus Kecombrang. Price 35 K. It’s crispy fried chicken poured out with spicy sauce and unique taste come from kecombrang. For me the taste is like an ordinary deep fried chicken. Frankly speaking, it’s tasteless. It will be better if they give us more spicy sauce. I don’t even can taste the spices at outer part of chicken. Wew, such a disappointing dish!

Ayam Saus Kecombrang

Next dish: Tumis Bayam Ikan Asin. Price 25 K. It’s a stir fry spinach cooked with coconut milk and sprinkled with Medan salted fish on top. The coconut milk sauce is savory, blended well with the freshness of spinach and the saltiness & crunchiness of salted fish. It’s very good combination. Scrumptious!

Tumis Bayam Ikan Asin

Today they give me a promotion offer. If I follow their twitter and upload the dish picture, they will give me a FREE dessert. So, I get their Es Sambut Kota Kembang for free. It’s a mixed fruit cocktail, coconut meat, nata de coco, evaporated milk and rum essence. It served with shaved ice and cocopandan syrup. Quite nice, but not too special.

Es Sambut Kota Kembang


Madam Kwok


Kota Kasablanka

Jl. Casablanka Raya Kav. 88

Food Society UG, FSU 19

Jakarta Selatan

Phone: 021-29488706


Epicentrum Walk, G Floor Unit 141-143

Jl. HR Rasuna Said

Jakarta Selatan

Phone: 021-29941455



Ta Thao


Ta Thao is the Chinese restaurant located on the housing residence at West Jakarta. I like to dine in this place, because they served Chinese dishes with special or different taste from other Chinese restaurant. It’s accommodate for 40 persons.

Ta Thao

The specialty dish in Ta Thao is Hokian Lomie Bagan Komplit. Price 42 K. It’s a gravy noodle with pig’s intestines, shitake mushroom, fish, shrimp and veggies. The noodle is cut in big size, chewy and quite tough. The gravy sauce is savory, but for me, it is less salty. So I have to add soy sauce. Quite good.

Lomie Bagan

For appetizer I order Ngohiang Babi (pork fried roll). Price 35 K. Ngohiang is a unique Hokkien and Teochew dish served in many of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore’s hawker centres. It’s a sausage-esque roll consisting of minced pork and prawn (or fish) seasoned with five spice powder. It is usually served with chili sauce and a house-special sweet sauce. It’s taste nom nom!


Next dish is Mun Tahu. Price 45 K. It’s a portion of tofu sautéed with garlic, mushroom and scallion. The tenderness of tofu mixed perfect with the crunchiness of mushroom. It is tasty!

Mun Tahu Ta Thao


Ta Thao


Jl. Green Ville Blok C No. 8 D

Duri Kepa – Kebon Jeruk

Jakarta Barat

Phone: 021-5670511


Warung Siobak Khe Lok


Warung Siobak Khe Lok is opened the first time since 1963. Now its maintained by Khe Lok’s son, Ketut Antara or Yu An. Siobak is the icon dish of Singaraja area.

Actually I want to dine in its origin area, Singaraja. But it turns out, that area is too far from Denpasar and I have limited vacation time in Bali. Thanks God, they’ve already opened the branch at Denpasar. The place is quite small, only accommodate for about 25 persons.

Khe Lok

Siobak ingredients are pork meat, pig’s ear, pig’s liver, pig’s skin crackers & dried fatty pig. All ingredients are boiled with sweet-salty ketchup and special Chinese herbs spices ngo hyang. They boiled it for approximately 2 hours on the small fire in order to all spices soaked in the meat.

They cut all ingredients about the size of thumb and served it with their special tauco sauce (it made from tauco, chili & salt). You can also add the sauce with their special vinegar (it made from vinegar, garlic, sugar, salt & chili). It will create the rich taste (sweet, sour and salty). Eat it all with steamed rice. Two thumbs up! Price 22 K.


Warung Siobak Khe Lok

Jl. Surapati No. 66

Kampung Tinggi – Singaraja

Phone: 0362-22760

Jl. Gatot Subroto Timur



Babi Panggang Bengki


The first time my friend suggested me to try this food, I’m rather less interested, because there’s many place at Jakarta that sell delish Roasted Pork. But he said that Bengki is the must try place if you wanna eat pork at Bandung.

So I think, why not? It’s also located on the highway, it will be easy to find. It’s Sunday noon, and the traffic is not too crowded like a day before. After get through Sudirman street with very slow speed, I still can’t find that place. I take one more round turned back with more carefully searching mode. Finally, I’ve found it, fiuhhh….

I thought that Bengki is a restaurant, but it turns out only in the form of a wagon. No wonder that I’ve missed that on my first searching. You have to open your eyes widely in order to find Bengki, haha….


The seller is an old chinese man. My friend said, by sell the roasted pork only, they can send his children to study abroad at USA & Australia. Amazing!

Asuk Bengki

He sell the pork meat, fatty part, ribs and the nom nom instestines. Unfortunately, he didn’t make the intestines that day, huhuhu…..

Pork Meat

I can’t dine in here, so I have to wrapped up that pork and find the place to eat it. I bought Samcan (fatty part of pig) for about 2 ounce. Price 70 K. It has the same price with Jakarta pork roasted. My curiosity forced me to immediately open that wrap and eat it inside the car. When it’s opened, the scent of Chinese roasted seasoning arises out. I put one piece of Samcan to my mouth. Suddenly the smokey aromatic scents fill out my mouth. I start to bite it. OMG, the fat is melted in my mouth blended perfectly with the aroma. Very tender, fatty, crunchy becoming one addicted sensation. Can I called this dish is so sexy? Because I want some more and more and more…..I can’t stop until everything is gone, haha….Seductive temptation! Two thumbs up! If I have ten thumbs I will give it all to respect uncle Bengki!

Roasted Pork
Babi Panggang Bengki

Jl. Jend Sudirman (across Yamaha dealer)

(before Astana Anyar crossroad, after Durman alley)


May Star


For celebrating special occasion, I usually bring my family to eat ‘good’ Chinese food at the cozy & comfy restaurant. May Star is one of my favorite. Located on several malls in Jakarta, it’s very easy to find. Today I dine in at Gandaria City branch. It was designed with Full Open Kitchen and has 3 (three) VIP rooms which dominant “Green Color”. It has a spacey area, it can accommodate 450 people. We can find the largest aquarium in restaurant category for this moment.

Okay, for appetizer, this time I order Siew Mai. Price 20.8 K. The shrimp is so juicy and topped with crab roe. Steam well and taste so good!

Siew Mai

Second dim sum, I choose Tim Paikut  w/ Tausi (pork ribs with soy beans). Price 20.8 K. The meat is not too thick, but it taste quite nice.

Tim Paikut

And I also order the most popular Chinese dish: Udang Kipas Mayo & Tobiko (Mayo Shrimp w/ Crab Roe). Price 86 K. The fatty juicy shrimp came with mayo dressing & crab roe. Creamy & delish!

Udang Mayo

For veggies I order the most standard dish, you can find it in other Chinese restaurant: Buncis Ayam Cincang (String Bean sautéed with Minced Chicken). Price 58 K. The freshness crisp of string bean combine so well with the tenderness of chicken meat. Quite good.

Buncis Ayam Cincang

I also choose Ayam Goreng ala Kota (Crispy Fried Chicken). Price 58 K. Deep fried chicken topped with fried red onion. Well, I think it’s not the best version of fried chicken. It’s taste so so.

Ayam Goreng ala Kota

The last dish is Sapo Taukan Tahu (Spicy Tofu & Bean Curd with Mushroom). Price 64 K. It’s cooked with preserved soy beans. Taste quite delish. I like the bean curd, so scrumptious.

Sapo Taukan Tahu

May Star

Gandaria City Ground Floor

Main Street No. MG 38-39

Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda

Jakarta Selatan

Phone: 021-29052922

Emporium Pluit Mall 4th Floor

Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya

Jakarta Utara

Phone: 021-66676280

Central Park Mall

Lower Ground No. 103-103 A

Jl. Letjen S Parman – Jakarta Barat

Phone: 021-56985422

Hotel Le Grandeur 3rd Floor

Jl. Mangga Dua Raya

Jakarta Barat

Phone: 021-6127880

Kwetiau Mangga Besar 78


With no air conditioner, this place is extremely hot for me. I’d rather choose cold than overheating. But I still come to this place because of their delicious food.

Kwetiau is made from rice, we can called it “white chinese noodle”. It’s usually fried or cooked with gravy sauce or soup. For Hokkian-Chinese etnic (from Sumatera), they put fish ball, lapchiong (pork sausage) & fried duck egg. But for Tio Ciu etnic (from Kalimantan), they use beef meat,tripe (babat) and veining ox feet (kikil).

Kwetiau Mabes 78 is followed the Tio Ciu streamline. I always order their Fried Kwetiau (kwetiau goreng). Price 30 K. It’s cooked very well, the beef meat is tender, and the seasoning is strong. I usually asked the additional fried garlic. Sprinkle it on top and tada….So delish!

Kwetiau Goreng

I also order Kwetiau Bun (kwetiau w/ gravy sauce). Price 30 K. This version is also yummy. But the fried version is still become my favorite one.

Kwetiau Bun

For soup, I choose Bakso Sapi & Ikan (beef meatball & fish ball). Price 24 K. The beef broth is appear lightly, mixed well with garlic aroma. Quite nice!


Kwetiaw Mabes 78

Jl. Mangga Besar Raya No. 78 D

Mangga Besar – Jakarta Barat

Phone: 021-6295340

Jl. Pesanggrahan Raya No. 9A

Jakarta Barat

Phone: 58902375

Din Tai Fung


Having dessert at the Chinese restaurant? Why not! It’s already 3.30 PM, I haven’t my lunch yet, but my stomach refuse to eat heavy dish. So I decided to eat sweet dim sum at Din Tai Fung.

First dessert I order Bao Taro. Price 12 K. The Bao texture is so soft & the sweet taro inside is perfect. They blended so good on my mouth. Very nice!

Taro Bao

Taro Bao

The second dessert is Bao Animal. Price 12 K. Haha….I really love its appearance. So cute! I don’t have a heart to eat it, huhuhu…The Bao fill in is also the sweet taro with pandan leaves taste. So sweet and tasty!

Animal Bao

The last dessert I try their Mango Fantasy. Price 40 K. A bowl of mango ice with slices of mango fruit & mango juice. But today, they ran out the mango ice cream stock. So I pick strawberry ice cream as a replacement. It taste sweet, refreshing and sour at the same time. Quite good.

Mango Fantasy

Din Tai Fung

Puri Indah Mall

2nd Floor Unit 201-202

Jl. Puri Agung, Puri Indah

Jakarta Barat

Phone: 021-5823460 / 61

Emporium Pluit Mall

4th Floor Unit 39

Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya

Jakarta Utara

Phone: 021-29071918

Plaza Senayan Arcadia

Ground Floor Unit X101-103

Jl. New Delhi No. 9

Jakarta Selatan

Phone: 021-57901288


For other outlets, you can directly browse to