Category Archives: Bandung



Pengen nyoba resto ini karena penasaran teman-teman di sekitar saya kok sering banget upload foto makanan di tempat ini via social media. Saya akhirnya coba makan di cabang Tangerang, secara kalau yang di Jakarta baru ada di daerah Kelapa Gading, which is jauuuuhhh bo’ dari rumah.

Sesampainya di sana, mata saya langsung jelalatan melihat interior design-nya. Hmmm…so colorful! Untuk meja kursinya sih model minimalis terbuat dari kayu, tapi diberi aksen lapisan warna warni. Bener-bener semua warna pelangi ada di sini. Di sudut tertentu diberi hiasan pohon, biar berasa seger dikit kali ya. Bisa dikategorikan ala pop art lah designnya. Yang bikin saya excited disediakan iPad di tiap mejanya. Bakal apaan ya? Ooo, ternyata kita bisa lihat menu sekaligus melakukan order via iPad tersebut. Udah gitu, bisa foto-foto selfie gitu deh! Hiyaaaa….Canggih yaaa!


Berhubung saya datang kesini dalam keadaan perut setengah kenyang, saya gak niat mesen menu yang ada nasinya, alias gak bakal pesen Bibimbap deh, gak muat! So, buat menu pembuka, saya order cemilan Korean Chicken Wing (IDR 21.819k). Ada pilihan rasa Original atau Spicy. I choose Spicy, of course! Saya pikir rasanya beti (beda tipis) lah sama BonChon atau Kyochon. Ternyata…..hikz…sorry to say, gak enak! Sebenarnya rasa sausnya lumayan enak, manis pedas gitu. Tapi sangat disayangkan tepungnya ketebalan banget. Jadi kayak makan tepung goreng pedes. Yaela….

Chicken Wings Mujigae

Trus pengen banget mesen Barbeque-nya. Tadinya pengen order yang premium beef, ternyata habis. Jadinya saya pesan Bulgogi Spicy (IDR 45.455k). Datanglah potongan daging beef mentah di atas penggorengan. Yak, berarti disuruh goreng ndiri dong ya! Setelah warna daging berubah kecoklatan, langsung deh saya ambil sepotong pakai sumpit, hap, masuk ke mulut. Ternyata dagingnya empuk banget dan juicy. Delicious! Harusnya sih cucok banget kalau disantap pakai nasi putih, tapi ya….apa boleh buat, takut begah!

Bulgogi Spicy Mujigae

Udah mesen 2 menu, kok kayaknya berasa kurang. Akhirnya memberanikan diri mesen Beef Ham Ramyun Spicy (IDR 36.364k). Lah, munaroh beneran ini, katanya tadi kekenyangan, mesen nasi kaga, tapi malah mesen mie (sama aja dodol!). Ramyun alias mie ala Korea ini dihidangkan pakai mangkuk terbuat dari seng, yak, seng beneran, yang kalo jatuh ke lantai bunyinya berisik! Mie direbus dengan telur yang udah diacak dalam kuah warna merah serta diberi topping irisan tipis sayur seperti wortel, tauge & daun bawang, plus pastinya potongan hamenworst (gimana sih nulisnya yang bener? Haha…) yang pastinya terbuat dari daging beef alias halal. Rasanya? Biasa banget, mirip Indomie gitu. Ya emang ciri khas masakan Korea begitu, datar-datar aja, cenderung plain kalau yang terbiasa demen makanan yang berbumbu kuat.

Ramyun Ham Mujigae

Untuk minuman saya order yang standard saja: Hot Green Tea (IDR 8.182k) dan Citrus Honey White Tea (IDR 16.364k).

Untuk varian Bibimbap (range harga IDR 29k s/d 37k) bisa ada pilihan: Bulgogi, Dak Galbi (ayam), Cheese dan Dolsot. Kalau mau hemat ada paket-nya juga: Bibimbap Combo (range harga IDR 37k s/d 39k).

Disini juga ada menu Fried Rice: Cheese Kimchi, Kimchi, Fried Rice Combo (IDR 31k s/d 44k). Untuk Ramyun: Classic, Kimchi, Beef Ham dan Cheese (IDR 30k s/d 36k). Untuk kelas Barbeque bisa order: Bulgogi, Chicken, Chicken Galbi, Beef, Premium Beef (IDR 34k s/d 65k). Untuk area minuman ada aneka teh seperti: Korean Tea, Green Tea, Jeju Orange Tea, Umeseu Tea, Matcha Milk Tea & Asuka Bean, Jasmine Milk Tea & Grass Jello. Ada juga Matcha Avocado & Pat Bing Su (range harga IDR 8k s/d 23k).


Kelapa Gading Mall 3, G Floor #G-57

Jakarta Utara


Summarecon Mall Serpong

Jl. Boulevard Raya Gading Serpong

Kelapa Dua – Tangerang


Cihampelas Walk Young Street

Bandung 40253


Festival City Link Mall, 1st Floor





Black Canyon Coffee


Pertama kali saya coba Black Canyon Coffee ini tahun 2011 saat saya sedang berlibur di Bali. Lokasinya di Discovery Shopping Mall. Saya tertarik mampir dan sekedar ngopi-ngopi cantik di tempat ini karena tempatnya persis di pinggir pantai. Keren banget!

3 tahun kemudian kembali saya mampir di tempat ini. Kali ini lokasinya di SMS Mall. Tempatnya benar-benar strategis, karena persis di depan live band stage. Sayangnya saya kesini bukan pas malam, jadinya ya gak ada yang perform.

Sempet mutar muter mall cari tempat nongkrong yang enak, sambil nunggu jam nonton XXI saya tiba. Maklum ya, saya kan movie lover sejati, hehe…Saya pilih tempat ini karena banyak sofa, jadi bisa santai & feel comfy. Pas buka buka menu saya baru sadar, ternyata Black Canyon ini franchise dari Thailand (yaela…kemana aja loooo…). Black Canyon Co.Ltd didirikan oleh Dr. Tanong Bidaya & Pravit Chitnarapong pada tahun 1993 di Bangkok. Black Canyon termasuk anggota dari SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of America) dan telah mendapatkan penghargaan Super Brand. Kabarnya pertumbuhan tanaman kopi di Thailand ini diawasi langsung oleh kerajaan Thailand. Mereka juga memiliki fasilitas pengemasan & pembakaran khusus, sehingga kesegaran kopinya tetap terjamin.

Untuk kopinya saya pilih Iced Espresso (IDR 33k). Rasa kopinya nendang dan fresh banget. Cucok buat cuaca panas begini. Pilihan lain ada cappuccino, frappucino, Mexican coffee, hot/ice chocolate, etc. Untuk netralisasi rasa saya juga order Chamomile Tea (IDR 20k).

coffee & tea black canyon

Untuk appetizer, saya mencoba cemilan yang ringan saja: Nachos (IDR 38k). Hadirlahsepiring keripik Nachos yang crunchy dengan topping saus asam manis dengan campuran daging cacah sapi serta avocado yang telah dihaluskan dan mayonnaise. Rasanya ya standardlah, lumayan enak.


Saya juga tertarik mencoba Spicy Glass Noodles & Salmon Salad (IDR 40k). Bisa dibilang hidangan ini nyaris sama dengan salad, bedanya ada tambahan soun-nya. Dilengkapi dengan selada, daun bawang, bawang merah dan beberapa potong salmon yang telah dipanggang. Kemudian disiram dengan saus Thai yang rasanya asam pedas. Segaaarr! Pas untuk menu pembuka. Jenis salad lain: Spicy Apple Salad, Thai Mango Salad.

spicy glass noodles black canyon

Disini juga menyediakan menu steak, Indonesian food (oxtail soup, ayam bakar, traditional mie goreng), aneka menu nasi ala Thai (rice with garlic tauco chicken, rice with dried green curry chicken), Thai style Fried Noodle with Prawn/Chicken/Seafood), Curries/Soups (chicken green curry, tom yum soup, clear soup, spicy prawn soup). Ada juga jenis menu yang dapat dinikmati dengan nasi putih seperti: boiled fish with spicy seafood sauce, stir fried chicken with cashew nuts, fried chicken with garlic taucho sauce, stir fried mixed vegetables in oyster sauce. Kalau ajak anak-anak bisa dipesankan cemilan ala Western seperti: mixed fries, chicken wings, crab croquette, thai green curry fish cake, Thai prawn spring roll. Kalau suka pasta juga bisa order Carbonara, Pasta with Sausage & Chili paste, spaghetti Bolognaise.

Over all sih kualitas hidangannya okay, ambience desain interiornya juga cukup nyaman untuk sekedar menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga atau teman.


Jl. Cipete Raya No. 8A

Jakarta Selatan

Ph: 021-75912249


Mall La Codefin

Jl. Kemang Raya 8

Jakarta Selatan

Ph: 021-71790489


Cilandak Town Square, Ground Floor

Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 17

Jakarta Selatan

Ph: 021-7546090


Kota Kasablanka Mall, UG Floor – FSU02

Jl. Kasablanka Raya Kav. 88

Kuningan – Jakarta Selatan

Ph: 021-29465156


La Piazza 1st Floor Unit I-5 Sentra Kelapa Gading II

Boulevard Raya – Jakarta Utara

Ph: 021-45864962-5


Mall of Indonesia, Centro Dept Store

Kelapa Gading Square, Jl. Boulevard Barat Raya

Jakarta Utara

Ph: 021-26850851


Summarecon Mall Serpong Unit DGF – 219

Downtown Walk SMS2


Ph: 021-29310712


Living World Mall Ground Floor Unit C 50-52

Alam Sutera Boulevard Kav. 21


Ph: 021-29239464


Alam Sutera Mall, G-82 s/d G-83A

Alam Sutera Serpong – Tangerang

Ph: 021-30449290


Paris Van Java Mall

Jl. Sukajadi No. 137-139


Ph: 022-91513198


Jl. Babarsari Blok B7-10

Catur Tunggal, Depok-Sleman


Ph: 0274-4332920


Candi Baru Hotel

Jl. Rinjani No. 21


Ph: 024-8507655




Foodpanda Indonesia


Situasi paling menyebalkan bagi saya adalah berada di rumah dalam situasi perut lapar, tidak tersedia kendaraan untuk pergi keluar, ditambah lagi makanan yang ingin saya lahap saat itu tidak menyediakan jasa delivery. Such a disaster for me!

Berharap saat itu ada yang mendengar teriakan lapar dari perut saya dan tiba-tiba….tada….makanan favorit saya sudah ada di depan mata! Khayalan tingkat tinggi sepertinya …Atau mengarang bebas tingkat Internasional tepatnya, haha….

So…..ketika saya mendengar tentang Foodpanda, saya sebagai seorang foodie, absolutely langsung gembira luar biasa! Foodpanda adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa food delivery secara online.

Beraneka ragam makanan dari restaurant favorit serta hidangan dessert sampai minuman alcohol/non alcohol tersedia. Dari makanan Indonesian, Western, Italian, Japanese, dsb lengkap terdapat dalam website mereka ( Seluruh selera lidah kita benar-benar dimanjakan di sana.

Cara order-nya pun sangatlah praktis dan mudah. Kita tinggal sign up saja di website mereka, isi data pribadi kita (nama, alamat pengiriman, nomor handphone), pilih restaurant yang kita mau, klik menu yang kita inginkan, lalu sistem mereka akan otomatis menghitung berapa total yang harus kita bayar. Lalu kode validasi data akan dikirimkan langsung ke nomor handphone kita, kemudian kita tinggal masukkan nomor tersebut di tampilan website foodpanda.

Dalam waktu sekitar 5 menit, customer service mereka langsung menghubungi saya melalui telepon untuk mengkonfirmasi pesanan saya serta detail alamat saya. Sore ini saya mencoba untuk memesan frozen yoghurt. Di website mereka tertulis delivery time untuk masing-masing restaurant, tentunya tergantung dengan jarak lokasi pengiriman kita. Di situ, pesanan saya diperkirakan akan tiba dalam waktu 1 jam. Saya mengirimkan order saya via online pada pukul 15.30 WIB.

Kira-kira 10 menit kemudian, customer service mereka kembali menelepon saya untuk memberikan informasi bahwa kurir di restaurant tersebut baru tersedia pada pukul 17.00 WIB. Karena memang frozen yoghurt tidak terlalu urgent untuk saya santap saat itu juga, maka saya tidak terlalu mempermasalahkan hal tersebut dan memutuskan untuk menunggu. Malah saya acungi dua jempol untuk service dari Foodpanda ini, setiap hitungan menit sangatlah berharga untuk mereka, setiap keterlambatan diinformasikan terlebih dahulu kepada customer. Great job!

Sekitar pukul 17.30 WIB, kurir Foodpanda sudah ada di depan rumah. Wow, lebih cepat 30 menit dari waktu antar yang diperkirakan. Surprise! Jenis pesanan saya yang berupa frozen yoghurt ini bisa saya katakan cukup tricky, karena kalau mereka sampai terlalu lama mengantarkan pesanan saya, akibatnya tentu frozen yoghurt saya akan menjadi cair. Namun ketika saya buka, ternyata frozen yoghurt masih dalam keadaan beku dan bisa langsung saya nikmati tanpa saya masukkan freezer terlebih dahulu.

Dapat saya simpulkan bahwa Foodpanda ini adalah merupakan solusi praktis bagi siapa saja yang tinggal di kota metropolitan yang super sibuk. Untuk ibu-ibu rumah tangga yang tidak sempat memasak untuk keluarganya, atau pegawai kantoran yang sedang dikejar deadline, atau seperti saya yang sedang malas keluar rumah dan enggan berjumpa dengan kemacetan yang semakin parah, I think this is the best way out for you! Selain di Jakarta, jasa Foodpanda juga tersedia di kota besar lainnya, seperti Tangerang, Bogor, Bandung dan Bali. Fyi, Foodpanda juga telah merambah kancah Internasional, seperti di Singapore, Malaysia, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Pakistan & Taiwan. Jadi dari segi pelayanannya sudah pasti menggunakan standar Internasional.

Ini kali pertama saya mencoba jasa dari Foodpanda, dan saya pastikan tentunya ini bukan untuk yang terakhir kali. Foodpanda is the best solution for your busy day! Just try it, friends! Very recommended!

Foodpanda Indonesia

Free Hotline: 021-50111388

Warung Naughty Nuri’s


The last restaurant you must try at Ubud area is Warung Naughty Nuri’s. It always crowded with local and foreign tourist all the time. They started their business from 15 years ago. The owner, Nuri & Brian, have expanded their restaurant chain through franchise. You can find Naughty Nuri’s at Seminyak area, Jakarta & Bandung branches.

Naughty Nuri's


It’s a non air conditioner place, quite small area, it’s accommodate for only 30 persons. It’s not a comfy place to chilling or chit chat, too hot for me. My blouse is wet all over. But we came here because of their amazing food, right? If you want a cozy place, you can come to Seminyak branch. They also added some twists to their menu.



I directly order their Pork Ribs. Price 90 K. It came in a huge portion. It’s enough for 2 persons. You can asked for a side dish like rice or french fries. With dark brown color, I think that pork ribs looked less interesting to eat. But when I grab the ribs and tear it down, I’ve known that the meat is incredibly so tender. The meat is easily bite, and the fatty part is fabulous! Its slightly sweet secret sauce has created the amazing taste in my mouth. Very scrumptious!

Pork Ribs

They also served: Appetizer (nachos, chicken quesadillas), Salads, Soup (ox tail soup, soto ayam), Sandwiches, Chicken/Pork Skewer, Fried Rice & Noodle, Pork Chops, Grilled Chicken, Sausage, Tuna Steak, Rib Eye Steak, Burger,Assorted Dessert & Martini.

Naughty Nuri’s is a “Funky street side haven especially for the naughty but nice people in Bali”. You don’t need to be naughty to enjoy’s Nuri’s but ‘just’ come starving, and you will get ‘heaven taste’ on this Goddess Island!


Warung Naughty Nuri’s

Jl. Raya Sanggingan

Kedewatan – Ubud


Phone: 0361-977547


Jl. Batubelig 41

Kerobokan  Kelod

Seminyak Kuta – Bali

Phone: 0361-8476722


Jl Boulevard Raya TB 2 No. 27

Kelapa Gading

Jakarta Utara

Phone: 021-4520380


Jl. Greenville Blok BK No. 8

Jakarta Barat

Phone: 021-5656336


Jl. Setiabudi 170


Es Durian Pak Aip


The Durian is distinctive for its large size, strong odour, and formidable thorn-covered husk. Sometimes the people in southeast Asia called it: ‘king of fruits”. Some people regard the durian as pleasantly fragrant; others find the aroma overpowering and revolting. The persistence of its odour has led to the fruit’s banishment from certain hotels and public transportation in southeast Asia.

After getting lost for about 20 minutes, I finally found this dessert place. Apparently it’s hidden behind ruko building complex. You can’t see it from the road side. It’s a small humble place. It’s fit for 30 persons.

Pak Aip

First dessert I choose is Chocolove. It’s a bowl of durian fruit with liquid sugar and chocolate milk. The durian taste is so sweet, but the meat is not too thick. They added the ice cubes to the bowl. I think the chocolate milk is mix so well with the strong flavor of durian. I love it!


For second dessert I order Browny Soup. It’s durian fruit with coconut milk and brown/java sugar. The brown sugar is not too sweet, it combined with the saltiness of coconut milk. Sweet flavored sketchy and savory become one…hmmm…I don’t really enjoy this combination.  I still choose Chocolove as my favorite.

Browny Soup

They also mix durian with assorted ice cream or fruit such as avocado. Price 17 K to 20 K for each portion.

Es Durian Pak Aip

Jl. Tubagus Ismail Raya No.5


Babi Panggang Bengki


The first time my friend suggested me to try this food, I’m rather less interested, because there’s many place at Jakarta that sell delish Roasted Pork. But he said that Bengki is the must try place if you wanna eat pork at Bandung.

So I think, why not? It’s also located on the highway, it will be easy to find. It’s Sunday noon, and the traffic is not too crowded like a day before. After get through Sudirman street with very slow speed, I still can’t find that place. I take one more round turned back with more carefully searching mode. Finally, I’ve found it, fiuhhh….

I thought that Bengki is a restaurant, but it turns out only in the form of a wagon. No wonder that I’ve missed that on my first searching. You have to open your eyes widely in order to find Bengki, haha….


The seller is an old chinese man. My friend said, by sell the roasted pork only, they can send his children to study abroad at USA & Australia. Amazing!

Asuk Bengki

He sell the pork meat, fatty part, ribs and the nom nom instestines. Unfortunately, he didn’t make the intestines that day, huhuhu…..

Pork Meat

I can’t dine in here, so I have to wrapped up that pork and find the place to eat it. I bought Samcan (fatty part of pig) for about 2 ounce. Price 70 K. It has the same price with Jakarta pork roasted. My curiosity forced me to immediately open that wrap and eat it inside the car. When it’s opened, the scent of Chinese roasted seasoning arises out. I put one piece of Samcan to my mouth. Suddenly the smokey aromatic scents fill out my mouth. I start to bite it. OMG, the fat is melted in my mouth blended perfectly with the aroma. Very tender, fatty, crunchy becoming one addicted sensation. Can I called this dish is so sexy? Because I want some more and more and more…..I can’t stop until everything is gone, haha….Seductive temptation! Two thumbs up! If I have ten thumbs I will give it all to respect uncle Bengki!

Roasted Pork
Babi Panggang Bengki

Jl. Jend Sudirman (across Yamaha dealer)

(before Astana Anyar crossroad, after Durman alley)


RM Sari Rasa Sambel Hejo


Sundanese food is the must try food at Bandung. One place that become my favorite in the past years is Sambel Hejo (in English means: Green Chili). I found this restaurant through internet. This is my 3rd time dine in this place. The restaurant is quite large, it can accommodate 100 persons. Dominated with green color and wood table set, this place looked natural & down to earth. In the yard area you can find many street food stalls such as: tahu gejrot, kue ape, rissole, es bungsu, etc. You can order it as your appetizer or dessert. It’s fun!

Sambel Hejo Resto

There’s no menu book in here. They directly deliver the dishes into your table (it’s like Padang restaurant), then you can choose what dish you want to eat. The must try food is their Ayam Goreng Basah (wet fried chicken). Price 7.5 K per piece. They marinated chicken with bay leaves, orange leaves, lemon grass, ginger, turmeric and candlenut. Cooked that chicken with water until the water is become dry. The last thing you have to do is half fried it. It will give you a “wet” surface texture. The taste is so savory and the seasoning is subtly pops out. The meat inside is sweet and tender. Yummy!

Ayam Goreng Basah

The second must try in here is Cimplung. Price 2 K per piece. It’s made from blended potato mix with tapioca. The texture is chewy and tasty. I like it. It will be perfect if they served it while it still hot.


I also eat their Ati/Ample (Chicken Liver & Gizzard). Price 5 K per piece. It has the same seasoning with their wet fried chicken.

Ati Ampela

In accordance with their restaurant’s title, of course the main icon dish in here is their Green Chili (free of charge). The chili is not too spicy for me. A flavor that dominating on the top is the sourness of tomato & kencur (kaempferia galangal). They completed it with Lalapan (raw veggies such as: cucumber, lettuce, leunca, etc).

Sambal Ijo

Price list for other dishes: Various Pepes (tofu/salty fish/mushroom) 4 K, Fish Pepes 25 K, Tripe/Intestines 6.5 K, Sayur Asem 6 K, Karedok 6 K, Corn Fritter 4 K, Fried Tofu/Tempeh 1.5 K, Gepuk 12 K.

For dessert I order Es Bungsu from the outside street food stall. Price 8 K. It’s a bowl of shredded ice with avocado, coconut meat, pacar cina, drizzled with pandan liquid sugar. It’s taste so sweet and refreshing! Suitable for hot weather!

Es Bungsu

RM Sari Rasa Sambel Hejo

Jl. Natuna No. 29

Kebon Pisang


Phone: 022-4264085 / 4218961


Jl. Katamso No. 49



Jl. Sukabumi No. 3



Mie Rica


This noodle tavern is become my family’s favorite since a couple years ago. Today I plan to have my breakfast in here. What I like about my vacation this time is I stayed at Aston Hotel that located on Braga street. So I just take a walk for about 100 meters and here I am now….sit while waiting my noodle bowl to come!

Mie Rica place

The place is small, only accommodate for about 30 persons. The specialty in here is Mie Rica. It’s a bowl of noodle with pork minced that sautéed with garlic and cayenne chili. The noodle texture is smooth and tending to a straight form. The minced pork is so spicy, if you’re not a spicy lover better if you don’t order this. The spiciness of minced pork will explode in your mouth. But it taste good tough.

Mie Rica

They also serve the salty or sweet version. It has exactly the same ingredients with the Rica, but it’s not spicy at all. I choose Yamien Asin for my breakfast today. They provide side dishes to accompany the noodle, such as: Beef Meatball, Boiled/Fried Dumplings, Tripe and Fish Ball. They served vermicelli too as a noodle substitution.

Yamien Asin

For one portion of Mie Rica Pangsit Rebus (spicy minced pork noodle w/ boiled dumplings) I pay 24 K. Price for Yamien Asin Pangsit Rebus is 22 K.  It’s an affordable price, I think.

Mie Rica

Jl. Kejaksaan No. 7

Kebon Kawung


Phone: 022-4231268

Nasi Kalong


Nasi Kalong, in English you can called it : “Bat Rice”. Why Bat? Because they adapt Batman habit that always sneak out in the night when the moon start to show its face, haha…Yes, they open the stall everyday start on 07.00 PM until 02.00 AM. But other resource said that they called “Bat Rice” because the color of rice is black.

I arrived on this place at 07.20 PM, but there’s no sign that they’ve opened their stall yet. So I sat, waiting in the darkness of night, lightened by a candle, under the big umbrella that attached with the table. For about 15 minutes later, suddenly a fancy huge car, Alphard, entrance the courtyard of the area and some waitresses rushing brought out the iron food containers from the car.

In a couple minutes, there’s a long lining of queue. Because this is my first coming,  I get confused for a few seconds, then I immediately ran and joined the queue.


A long table with many dishes on it and of course a large pot of the famous “Bat Rice”. Well, the color of the rice is not solid black actually, but it’s blackish violet. I think they steamed the rice with ‘kluwek’ (the ingredient that brings the black color to the dish, it’s used also on Rawon dish, a Javanese traditional food). With quick scanning, I can mention the dishes that served tonight are: Gulai Ayam, Balado Telor, Fried Lumpia, Spicy Beef, Oncom Leunca, Assorted Veggies, etc. I count for about 15-20 dishes variation that I can choose that night.


I choose Oncom Leunca. This is the traditional ingredient that used in almost all of Sundanese restaurants. Oncom is a type of fermented food similar to Tempeh. Oncom can be fried, made pepes or stir fried with vegetables such as Ulukutek Leunca (Solanum Nigrum) or Green Stink Bean. It’s tasty.

I also took Ayam Santan Cabai Hijau (Green Chili Chicken w/ Coconut Milk). They put it in the small containers. They cut the chicken into dice form. I barely able to feel the spiciness of the chili. They cooked the chicken with coconut milk until it became dry and soaked in the chicken meat. Quite nice and the meat is tender.

Otak Otak dengan Rawit (Fish Cake with Cayenne Chili inside). They deep fried the fish cake, but unfortunately, they served it cold. So the texture is became tough to chew. Frankly speaking, it’s not good….hufffttt….It will be better if they served it fresh from the oven!

Finally this is the most wanted dishes at Nasi Kalong: Ayam Madu (Honey Chicken) and Buncis Bakar (Grilled String Bean). The chicken is marinated with garlic & honey. I can taste the sweetness all over the meat. They cover the chicken with wheat flour and deep fried it until it became so crispy. I like it. Very delish! The string bean is only stir fried with garlic and soy sauce on the high heat. The string bean taste so crunchy when you bite it. Well, it’s taste so so.

Nasi Kalong

The price of one portion of Nasi Kalong I ate that night is 43 K. It’s quite expensive. Can we still classifying this dish as one of the Bandung street food?

Nasi Kalong


Jl. Riau No. 57

Citarum – Bandung

Phone: 0811-205855


Mie Akong


Noodle is the most common breakfast for Chinese people. But as suggested by my friend that I have to come to Mie Akong in the evening, so here I am, at 5 PM waiting for a bowl of pork noodle. I will explain the reason why I should came in the evening on the last paragraph at this article.



I order their Yamien Asin (noodle with salty taste). Price 24 K. They also serve noodle with sweet taste (Yamien Manis) and spicy taste (Yamien Rica). It’s a tender chewy noodle with shredded chicken meat & spring onion on top. The noodle is made from duck egg. With nostalgic Chinese taste and its savory, I really fall in love with this noodle. Aaawww! You can substitute noodle with vermicelli or kwetiau.

Yamien Asin

For side dish, I choose their combination portion. Price 46 K (include the noodle). It’s a bowl of pork dumplings, beef meatball, pig tribe-intestines-blood. Very good! The pork dumplings came with thin wrapping skin & delish pork meat inside.

Side Dish

And this is the reason why I should come late in the evening: Tada….! To get their Pig Bone & Chicken Feet Soup for free, haha….The soup color is clear but rich on taste. If you eat this 3 combination, you will suddenly taste the ‘paradise’! I swear to you, this is so damn good!

Bone Soup

Mie Akong

Jl. Pungkur No. 58

Balong Gede – Bandung

Phone: 022-5201033